Music and Arts
Upcoming Events

DETROIT BURNS’ PHILOSOPHY OF WORSHIP (Adapted from Dr. Larry Ellis, Ph.D., Denver, CO)
- God considers worship through music and the arts a very high priority in celebrating His worship. -1 Chronicles 15:11-16:22, Ephesians 5:19
- Musicians, dancers, singers, and the full spectrum of liturgical and media artists are ministers appointed by God; and selections for worship are not for our entertainment. -1 Chronicles 16:4-6
- The leadership is called by God to be teaching the composers, soloists, choirs, liturgists, artists, and congregation how to minister to one. Presenting music and artist selections are ministry just as composing, creating, and preparing them are, and when done in subordinance to the Holy Spirit, equips others to minister by using the music. – Ephesians 4:11-12
- Praising God is not optional. It is commanded and expected of all. – Psalm 66:1-2, I Chronicles 16:2335
- The extensive use of musical instruments and liturgical art forms is commanded in my scriptures. -Psalm 98:4-6, 81:1-4, 33:1-3, 147:7, 150
- All selections should be consistent with scripture and doctrinally sound. – Colossians 3:16
- All selections should be appropriate for the occasion, and provide inspiration for the participants, encouraging their focus to be solely set upon the recipient of our Worship and Praise, Jesus Christ. – Ephesians 4:29

- To Worship God in spirit and in truth and to lead others into true worship.
- To proclaim the message of praise, hope, and the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- To facilitate the growth of the church community through faith, fellowship, and education.
- To promote musical excellence, the development of artistic gifts and talents, the preservation of church music history, and the encouragement of new musical and artistic worship.
- To generate excitement, beauty, awe, and inspiration in our services.
- To inspire the congregation to develop a deeper and more personal relationship with God through instrument and song. We believe music is one of God’s greatest gifts, and it has an important role to play in the life of our church.

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